Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Magic Circle Essay Research Paper The free essay sample

The Magic Circle Essay, Research Paper The Magic Circle The Magic Circle, by Donna Jo Napoli managed three boss characters. In the account a grown-up female named The Ugly One has the ability to retouch. The grown-up female has an excellent young lady named Asa. The Ugly one is a performer ; who other than assists sick with peopling who are controlled by villains. The Ugly one turns into a sorcerer after seize with getting teeth the finger off a misshaped darling child and needing a sharp aureate ring. The main character is The Ugly Sorcerer who is a kyphosis. From the start she helps present children during childbirth thus she turns into a performer when her neighbor convinces her to larn the methods of an advisor. She utilizes an amethyst stone that is blessed so she can pull a hover known as an enchanting circle. The circle keeps her safe while refering to fallen angels that attempt to transform her into a conjurer. We will compose a custom article test on The Magic Circle Essay Research Paper The or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page A grown-up male requested that her repair his child with an overabundance finger, however on the other hand of using her forces she simply nibbles it off thus she indiscreetly ventures out of the beguiling circle to hang on the one time wanted ring and is sadly she is transformed into a conjurer. A male kid named Peter is one of H Er patients. The Ugly one fixes him and they become companions. Dwindle instructs her all he thinks about the Satans. Diminish is an ordinary youthful child who keeps his religion in The Ugly one stone dirt the terminal. Dwindle transforms into a solid juvenile grown-up male who is truly thinking about life structures and villains because of his surveies in books. Bala was the neighbor who persuaded The Ugly One to repair individuals. The Ugly One was non sure if the Bala was acceptable or detestable in view of her name. The letters in Bala s name were so like the Devils names. Bala rewarded The Ugly one actually cold-bloodedly and had no respect for her since she was a kyphosis. At the point when The Ugly One transformed into a sorcerer, Bala was extremely quick to betray her and favored the group. In choice, The Magic Circle was an extremely interesting book. It introduced the foundation and an alternate situation to the great known fantasy Hansel and Gretel. By hearing the full account a thoughtful position is created toward the underhanded sorcerer. The Ugly One was deceived from an existence of an advisor to the life of a youngsters eating conjurer. The account of Hansel and Gretel will be taken a gander at in an alternate way for eternity.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Organizational Design Behavior

In the event that the hierarchical structure is intended to mirror it's circumstance, the Limora Hospital and the Community Health Center's (LCHC) structures don't do this. The present structure doesn't mirror the intricacy, elements, or nature. There seems, by all accounts, to be little thought given to parameters of plan. Authoritative structure is utilized to move a progression of measure that decide the division of work and coordination. The Limora Hospital and the LCHC have shortcomings in their structure concerning the dynamic framework, the sidelong associations between the superstructure, the configuration of the subunits and the individual occupation positions. These are necessary pieces of the structure and appear to be a shortcoming at the two offices. I would portray the structure of the LCHC as nearly non-existent. In spite of the fact that the contextual investigation doesn't give a great deal of data about the real pieces of the for Limora Hospital or the LCHC, it improves at the Hospital then at the LCHC. As an underlying advance, it would assist with joining a few territories of the two offices and better use its technostructure, bolster staff and working center. The key summit is powerless with no steady, dedicated authority or organization. There is disarray about the Bishop's capacity of power. He seems to have parted with his capacity, yet a few representatives demonstrate something else. Truth be told, there doesn't have all the earmarks of being any genuine administration to apply administrative initiative and course. This sort of disarray and struggle debilitates the summit and the center line completely. A typical vision, crucial, dynamic enthusiasm for the future must be exhibited by the Executives in the event that they are to stream down into the center of the association. This is missing and is painfully felt by Dr. Macdonald who can't go down anything over he is able to do, or more, than he is accepting from his bosses. There is a little technostructure sought after, a huge care staff, and a working center that is plainly not all around oversaw. Most obvious is the absence of linkages among the executives and the working center. In spite of the fact that not as clear are the frail linkages between the center and the supporting staff. A constrained even decentralization may work where the vital pinnacle imparts some capacity to the technostruture that normalizes everybody's work and a portion of these linkages. An efficient supervisory crew and representative connects to them are fundamental. A solid hypothetical point is made in The Classical School of hierarchical hypothesis by Henry Fayol, a French industrialist. He, and different scholars like Urwick, Gulick, Mooney and Reiley, underscored the all inclusiveness of the administration work in a wide range of various associations. Fayol's hypothesis worked from the top managerial staff and CEOs down through the association. He focused on the significance of arranging, sorting out, planning and controlling the organization of an association starting from the top. The shortcoming in Limora Hospital and the LCHC can be found in the administration of the Apex and he center line, and the working center. No genuine consideration has been given to these territories so they can accomplish the initiative and regulatory control they need. The pieces of the association don't bolster the organizing systems required, and disregard to address the issues of either office. They ought to mirror the setup for an expert association that depends on the prepared experts who have an elevated level of power over their work. It is sheltered to accept that the Doctors and medical caretakers have all been prepared and have normalized their expert abilities before working at the either office. Coordination is accomplished by the ethicalness of specialists and medical attendants having taken in what's in store from each other. So they do have this essential instrument of coordination. What is missing, is the important authoritative paste to hold it together. Maybe the normalization of standards as another planning component. The medical attendants don't appear to have the option to facilitate their exercises dependent on their shared objective of thinking about the wiped out and normalizing standards would be useful. There has been an endeavor at coordination by Dr. Macdonald, however the association has been without solid reliable control for a really long time. In spite of the fact that there doesn't give off an impression of being a center line, Dr. Macdonald has been left to advance coordination and appropriate plan all alone. His initiative endeavor is valiant yet he needs the assistance of qualified center line administrators. The missing parameters of configuration are Behavior formalization, Training, and Unit gathering. Conduct formalization would give work procedures and sets of expectations to decrease disarray about what work individuals ought to do and how they ought to do it. By all accounts, one may address whether a gathering of experts need rigid standards and regulations.Although these experts know the pith of their jobs, and have a ton of power over what they do, they come up short on a structure inside which to work and decide. Conduct formalization could diagram the system inside which they can take control and, distinguish the limit where they need the help and participation of others. Additionally significant, is to recognize the correspondence linkages to others inside and outside this system. This would take out a lot of disarray, impart certainty into the working center, and bring participation among supervisors and laborers. I can't help suspecting that when you are managing the life, demise, and the soundness of others, the exact opposite thing you need is discord and disarray among the individuals who are thinking about you. Beside the expert abilities applied by the specialists and medical caretakers, the easiest systems in organization of center laborers could be a sad for the patient. For instance, how is a particular report finished, when is it finished, who are the basic recipients of the report, when must they get it, and what must be remembered for, everything include linkages and participation among experts, staff and the executives. In the event that these are broken here and there or done erroneously, outside of the endorsed structure, they can affect a real existence. Chester Bernard's book, The Functions of Executives, from the human relations way of thinking, underlined the requirement for clearness and collaboration among directors and laborers to facilitate the premiums of everybody. Bernard said that associations by their tendency are agreeable frameworks and can't endure something else. He recorded three powers to accomplish this participation; official authority, subordinate acknowledgment of authoritative objectives, and the intensity of casual work gatherings. Obviously in a clinic there is space for severe guidelines and procedures delineated by the pioneers, but since there are likewise enormous regions of autonomous dynamic, you should have a collaboration and an equalization of both. Preparing, another parameter of configuration, can show the experts what the measures, procedures, and systems are, and obviously characterize the degree of execution for each. The Limora Hospital must made them train on the medical clinics systems yet when the attendants approached work at the LCHC, they griped that they were not arranged to these appropriately. Preparing at LCHC is inadequate here. The substance of the work done by the experts is the same in either the Limora Hospital or the LCHC. What is distinctive is the reason for every office and the degree of yield. One is an emergency clinic that thinks about the individuals who are as of now sick, and the LCHC is a network program that centers around precaution wellbeing to attempt to shield individuals from winding up in the medical clinic. The emergency clinic specialists and medical caretakers would probably be prescriptive in their consideration for extremely sick patients over a shorter period. The LCHC would likewise recommend however would probably be increasingly spellbinding in their consideration over longer timeframes in the network. Showing these on a very basic level various goals to everybody, and what work is folded over them, would encourage a reasonable heading for precisely what the occupations are in every office. The Scientific Management hypothesis advocates an efficient way to deal with work plan, execution, and preparing. Not really the entirety of the hypothesis parts are appropriate the precise way to deal with preparing applies to a wellbeing association. There is an orderly method of applying clinical tests to guarantee there are no mix-ups. Speed and effectiveness are basic. There might be a takeoff from this hypothesis as it identifies with division of work and assignment specialization, yet the logical choice of preparing stays helpful to our medicinal services circumstance. Adam Winslow Taylor and Henry Gantt accentuated the requirement for orderly preparing of laborers. Taylor especially pushed that the job of the board was to know their representatives and to prepare them to progress admirably. In the event that this was done, it would deliver most extreme effectiveness. At long last, both the LCHC and the medical clinic are subject to similar assets. The two of them need experts, for example, bookkeeping and faculty, the two of them utilize similar attendants and specialists in their working center, and both need the utilization of land wanderers in their work. Clashes have surfaced on the grounds that the hierarchical structure doesn't use these like needs well. For instance: Clear and precise budgetary representing the two territories The two of them need profoundly qualified specialists and medical caretakers Their essential and supporting staff need comparable preparing They are subject to one another yet the structure doesn't advance interdependency The two of them require procedures and techniques to play out their occupations well Unit gathering would be the plan parameter generally required to help encourage the common needs of every unit. Gathering these under a similar management would urge collaboration and help to advance a progressively proficient and agreeable workplace. When the requirements of every zone are clear, you have to build up contact positions, or jobs that can arrange crafted by two units. These contact positions are absent in the hospita

Friday, August 21, 2020

Britney Spears - A Woman I Admire Essay -- essays research papers

There are numerous ladies that affect my life; in any case, the inquiry is what number of them do I gaze upward to? Obviously the most clear individual is my own special mother, yet that made me think who else has the right to join this hover of worship. A few names entered my brain, yet do I truly appreciate them? Unmistakably ladies that enter my every day life like Oprah Winfrey have an impact on me, yet effect and profound respect don't generally go connected at the hip. At that point I understood who I truly appreciate: Britney Spears. The adolescent pop icon artist Britney Spears is a lady that I gaze upward to for some reasons. She has enticed the whole world's childhood with her amazing voice. Thusly, she fills in as a good example for a considerable lot of the youngsters experiencing childhood in the present society. In spite of the fact that Britney is just 19, she al...

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Computer Assisted Audit Tools Research Paper - 550 Words

Computer Assisted Audit Tools (Research Paper Sample) Content: NameProfessorCourseDateComputer Assisted Audit Tools (CAAT)IntroductionComputer Assisted Audit Tools (CAAT) is a tools mostly used by the auditors to facilitate their search for irregularities in the data files. Studies show that the CAAT is increasingly becoming popular among the accounting and auditing professionals with more organizations adopting the technique to be used by the internal auditors and the forensic accountants for extrapolating data for analysis as well as fraud detection. The prevalent use of CAAT in the business environment is a clear prove that ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s an important tool for most companies in enhancing the efficiency of their accounting department in providing more credible and analytical results. The following paper will discuss the current developments of the technique and its application in the accounting profession.Application of CAAT in the accounting professionAlthough the CAATs have been in existence for many years, accountants are no w using the tool more than before, to analyze multiple data for inconsistencies or irregularities. The use and application of such improved tools in the accounting profession is becoming popular with the advancement of technology. With technology, accountants are able obtain large files of data and access improved tools such as the CAATs (Bourke 2).By using the improved tool, having knowledge on computer programming is no longer a requirement for the accountants to enable them import and identify data to be analyzed. Instead, the accountant only needs to select the suitable or proper data files and then use core skills to carry out some tests on the collected data (Bourke 2). It should be noted that selecting the most suitable data files sometimes becomes tricky for the accountants. To address this issue, companies are including professionals holding a Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) in their audit team (Bourke 2).After the accountant selects the proper data fil es, he or she imports them into the CAATs tool which analyses the data automatically (Bourke 2). The tool has proved to perform various analysis techniques. The techniques include display criteria, stratification, summarization, statistical analysis, regression analysis, trend analysis, expressions, matching and parallel simulation among others. Whatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s even more interesting is not the number of techniques that can be performed by the CAAT, but the resources to educate the accountants or auditors in applying these techniques are available (Bourke 2).Current developmentsToday, more than ever, most companies and international organizations have become more conscious regarding the nature of technology in the business environment. We know that IT is extensively been incorporated in many areas of business and commerce across the world. The demand of well-educated and knowledgeable IT auditors is increasing because, with their skills and knowledge in computer technologies, they h elp in ensuring effective control of IT to manage information access and maintain the integrity of data. Studies show that most international organizations have advanced their need for improved IT control especially in business and commerce (Sandra, Fredrick Aleksandra 5)Technology such as the use of CAATs has proved to have an influence on at least three important areas in the business environment (Sandra, Fredrick Aleksandra 5) Technology has not only impacted the control proces...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Final Reflection On My Personal And Professional Lives

Final Reflection While registering for the semester I noticed this course and thought it would be very beneficial for both my personal and professional lives. I felt I was in need of learning new techniques and regimes to reduce stress, increase productivity, and learn to efficiently and effectively relax in order to improve my communication. I mean who wouldn’t want to learn how to relax and receive credit hours at the same time. With that being said I immediately signed up, and for once I was excited opposed to being nervous of the unexpected like I was for previous courses I have taken. Another perk to this class was seeing that Professor Mantel was the instructor. I had taken one of her workshop previously (Humor in Communication), and not only did I learn several beneficial ways to communicate through humor, but the workshop was very interesting and entertaining. Preparing for Relaxation A day or two before class I reviewed the syllabus and handouts to see the details of what each day would be like and the specifics of each assignment. After reviewing I was definitely ready for two days of knowledge on learning to become more relaxed and less stressed. Being a wife, mother of two, daughter, sister, friend, relative, full-time student and employee is not an easy task. Many days I’m overwhelmed by my thoughts alone of what needs to be done daily, things such as household chores, homework, extra-curricular activities, church affiliations, and work deadlines. With my veryShow MoreRelatedErik Erikson s Psychosocial Development1629 Words   |  7 PagesReflection Paper #4 Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages theory suggests that people pass through eight distinctive developmental stages as they grow and change throughout their lives. Integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erikson’s stage theory of psychosocial development. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

La Casa de Bernarda Alba - English Translation Act 1 Essay

Cast List Bernarda, aged sixtyMarà ­a Josefa, (Bernarda’s mother), aged eighty Angustias, (Bernarda’s daughter), aged thirty-nine Magdalena, (Bernarda’s daughter), aged thirty Amelia, (Bernarda’s daughter), aged twenty-seven Martirio, (Bernarda’s daughter), aged twenty-four Adela, (Bernarda’s daughter), aged twenty Servant, aged fifty La Poncia (a servant), aged sixtyPrudencia, aged fifty Beggar woman with little girl Women mourners Woman 1 Woman 2 Woman 3 Woman 4 Young girl The poet declares that these three acts are intended as a photographic record. Act I (The bright white interior of Bernarda’s house. Thick walls. Arched doorways with canvas curtains edged with tassels and ruffles. Rush chairs. Paintings of†¦show more content†¦SERVANT: That’s the only earth they’ll give us, who have nothing. LA PONCIA: (By the cupboard) This glass has marks on it. SERVANT: They won’t come off even with soap and water. (The bells sound.) LA PONCIA: The final prayers. I’m off to hear them. I love the priest’s singing. In the paternoster his voice rose up, and up, and up like a pitcher slowly filling with water. Of course at the end he gave a screech, but it was a glory to hear him! There’s no one these days to match the old sexton, Tronchapinos. He sang at the Mass for my mother, who is in glory. The walls would shake, and when he said Amen it was if a wolf was in church. (Imitating him) Ameeeen! (She begins coughing) SERVANT: You’ll strain your windpipe. LA PONCIA: I may have strained something else! (She goes out laughing) (The servant goes on cleaning. The bells ring) SERVANT: (Picking up the sound) Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong. May God grant him forgiveness! BEGGARWOMAN: (With her little girl) Praise be to God! SERVANT: Ding, ding. dong. May he wait long years for us. Ding, ding, dong. BEGGARWOMAN: (Loudly with annoyance) Praise be to God! SERVANT: (Annoyed) Forever! BEGGARWOMAN: I’ve come for the leavings.(The bells cease ringing.) SERVANT: The street’s that way. Today’s leavings are for me. BEGGARWOMAN: You’ve someone to feed you, woman. My child and I are on our own! SERVANT: The dogs are on their own too, but they survive.

Implementation Of A BYOD System In Aztek †

Question: Discuss about the Implementation Of A BYOD System In Aztek. Answer: Project Review The project involves implementation of a BYOD system in Aztek which is a financial organization from Australia. The company is facing financial challenges and is looking for saving IT costs by allowing personal devices of new employees to be used for the purpose of business. Thus, the company has decided to adopt BYOD systems but this approach is likely to modify the security posture or the organization. To remain safe from cybersecurity risks, company would need to strengthen its security systems to suit the security needs after BYOD adoption. The project would involve development and implementation of BYOD scheme(ACHS, 2013). With implementation of the BYOD scheme, some regulatory policies and procedures have to be followed. Australian Capital Territory of Australia is one of the main areas where regulatory policies are defined. At the organizational level, policy based surveillance can track employee communication such that the management would know how employees are using their systems and if their usage patterns are secure for Aztek (GILBERT, 2014). There are also some laws at the state, federal and territory levels that have to be followed when concerning employment in the organization. At the organizational level, Aztek can install access control systems on the devices used by users such that the employee communication can be tracked and monitored. This would help Aztek ensure that the confidential data of the company is not shared by employees outside the company. A cover surveillance can be launched on employees which would allow company to track the suspected employee after 14 days notice given(APM Group Ltd, 2017). NSW Act is one such act which is created for governance of employee management practices. As per this act, employee activities can be tracked including sending and receiving of files or messages but only on the official accounts. The personal accounts and the resources used by employees may not be tracked(Afaq, et al., 2014). Another useful act is Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 . This act talks of the interception by companies on the employee communication between two employees which is done without the knowledge of both employees. The act allows employers to see the content that is being exchanged but not the related personal information such as email addresses, communication time, and the metadata. The way this interception can be carried out is highlighted in the section 5F of the telecommunications act. This provides protection to the employers but only to some extent (Berg, 2010). A usage policy can be created for IT assets in the BYOD scheme which is formulated as per the rules defined in the regulatory acts which would include considerations of types of surveillance, methods of tracking, and span of interception The Privacy Act (APP 5) suggests following statements can be included in such a policy (Alali Yeh, 2012): The company must have the right to see the content that is being transferred between two employees using official emails Employer must not record any personal communication happening between employees through informal methods like chat Employees must be aware of the information that is open for the employer to see. Certain procedures and access rules can be defined for personal communication The company should have defined procedures that would be used for reporting data inside or outside the organization (GILBERT, 2014) Security Posture of Aztek With the introduction of the BYOD devices in the Aztek IT network, the security posture of the company would be modified as the private devices of the users would now be connected to the critical infrastructure of the organization. There would be added risks because of addition of BYOD which would change this posture. Thus, the company needs to make considerations for these risks while defining security management strategies for the IT systems of Aztek (Avdoshin Pesotskaya, 2011). Finance industry poses some barriers to implementation of BYOD as security risks are higher in the cases. To manage these risks, industries and regulatory bodies in various countries have identified certain security procedures and Aztek needs to follow them for enhance protection. However, regulatory bodies also has certain mandates that would make it difficult for Aztek to keep a high level of control over the mobile devices used by its employees especially when they would be used outside the corporate network. The companies in the finance industry use certain protection measures for BYOD devices such as (Oracle, 2009): Securing Mobile Devices: Earlier, company had given mobile phone devices to its employees and these devices were procured from the same manufacturer and thus, had same make and features. This made it easy for Aztek to create a unified interface for controlling all the devices remotely and establish standard usage procedure. With BYOD devices in the IT infrastructure of the company, the device configurations make and features would not remain same but would vary significantly and thus, a single unified system cannot be used for controlling or securing these devices(ACHS, 2013). The company would need to consider the change device portfolio while defining security strategies for mobile systems which would be more challenging. The earlier system used for security by Aztek would no longer be able to support the multiple devices belonging to different users who could be having different settings used and applications installed. The current device management system of Aztek would not be su fficient as it would not be able to manage the vulnerabilities and thus, a new measure is needed (Bodicha, 2005). Aztek can lock the mobile devices for personal uses such that employees would not be able to misuse those posing threats to the security of companys infrastructure. However, this would discourage employees from using their devices if they would not have freedom of usage of their own deice. Thus, a new approach that is acceptable to both employers and employees has to be arrived at(Bhatta, 2008). Some risks can be faced predominantly in case BYOD devices are used as the part of IT infrastructure of Aztek such as lost or stolen devices, physical access gained by a non-company person, lack of awareness of security implications leading to misuse of devices by employees, and more. If the devices are lost or stolen, any one getting the device can use it for connecting to the company network through VPN which would make it also possible for the user to gain access to the confidential information of the organization which can be dangerous for the company. In such cases, security can be enhanced with pass encryption but even that can be cracked at certain stage(APM Group Ltd, 2017). Thus, the company needs to have a system in place which allows remote wiping of the device from the company network so that the user would not be able to connect to organizational applications remotely. This would reduce the chances of damage from the stolen device(Rule Works, 2017). There could also be instances that attackers get the device in hand inside or off the office premises in which case, the risk would be even more. In the case, the device used is old then the security threat would rise even more. As the device has been chosen for office use by employee, the company would not have any control over the device age, specifications or configuration settings unless a BYOD policy defines a minimum configuration that a device must have to be used for the official purpose by the employees(CDC, 2006). When employees are using their own personal devices, they want to have more control over it than the company which is why they may change the settings suggested by company to enjoy freedom of usage. This can result into disabling of some essential security feature thereby increasing risk to the employer. An employer may not have the awareness of the change and can fall prey to security hassles because of reduced protection level(Campbell, 2005). Some key measures can help company enhance its security posture with the use of BYOD devices such as: Identification of risk scenarios for each device considering its configuration Use of device management for enforcing security policies(Afaq, et al., 2014) Using industrial security standards like data encryption, remote wiping, and communication interception Establishing a baseline for installation of software and use of operating systems on the mobile devices used by employees(Chan, Lam, Chan, Cheung, 2008) Managing Application related Risks: If malicious software applications get installed in the mobile devices due to some mistake of an employee or by others having access to the device, it would risk the security posture of the company as the hacker can launch attack on the critical infrastructure of the company by connecting through VPN using the device. Every device that is configured in the corporate network must be protected with an anti-virus and anti-malware for which the company can include mandatory measures for their installation in the company policy(Alali Yeh, 2012). Moreover, it is essential that the devices are managed well by the users failing which the company would face larger risks. Compartmentalization of the company data on devices can help reduce risks further (HP Enterprise, 2015). Managing mobile environment: The mobile devices must be updated and patch regularly by the users. However, users may not be very particular about such needs and thus, company needs to take the responsibility by sending notifications, updates and reminders to the employees using BYOD devices for regular updates. This would make the environment safer for the company as the updates would patch any new vulnerability as per the increasing threat scenarios(Curtis Carey, 2012). A supportive usage policy may be defined by Aztek for the use of mobile devices by employees for the official purpose which would define patching as mandatory procedure to be followed in certain time. Moreover, self-service solutions given to employees for patching or getting support from technical staff of the organization can also help further(Avdoshin Pesotskaya, 2011). Risk Assessment The framework used for managing security in the cyberspace defines certain practices that are cost-effective, reusable, performance based and cost effective. These practices have been identified by a team of security experts and industry professionals working on security systems(Paschke, 2014). The framework presents a mechanism that can be used for defining the security posture of Aztek, exploring the target state of the company network, prioritizing improvement opportunities, assessing security systems and communicating the security risks to company stakeholders(Delhi Government, 2014). Aztek managers can create a checklist which could be based on the security categories, functions and industry references for the management of security posture of the company. Some examples of the security functions are asset protection, intrusion detection, data recovery, risk identification and risk response planning. Certain security categories can be identified for inclusion in security policies such as access control. Asset management and intrusion detection(Berg, 2010). There can also be some sub-categories within these such as threat notification under intrusion detection and data protection under access control. All these security themes if taken care in security measures can enhance the security posture of Aztek(EY, 2013). The security framework defines some tiers of security that define different protection levels such as: Tier 1: At this level, the company would have the partial protection with each device covered but there would not be any integration of the risk based programs and neither processes in the company nor the processes would be formalized(Bhatta, 2008) Tier 2: Risk management processes are formalized at this stage and activities have priorities based on the security needs and impacts (Paschke, 2014) Tier 3: The risk management processes and procedures are all formalized and repeatable security measures that can be taken by the company would be defined. The methods defined would be consistent with the level and would help in strengthening the security posture of the company by providing better protection(Health and Safety Authority, 2006) Tier 4: The company would adapt to the required changes in the security systems in this stage as per the changed security posture and levels of threats that the company would be exposed to. At this level, security processes are integrated and the security practiced become the part of organizational culture(Elky, 2006) The framework can be used by Aztek for other purposes such as reviewing the security practices and policies already used in the company such that scope for improvement can be defined. The framework would be used as a guide for communicating the risks to the stakeholders as well as for enforcement of the policies(Bodicha, 2005). Security Profile Review: The security posture of the company would be reviewed in order to understand the practices that company is using for detecting threat, protecting its IT systems, responding to risks and recovering from security challenges(Rule Works, 2017). The current structure of the company is used as per the traditional system of the organization where the devices were connected and were all owned by the company. However, the current need of the company is to alter the security management structure to adapt to the needs of BYOD devices to enhance its level of protection(John Snow, Inc., 2010). Establishing security program: Aztek can use following steps for establishing security systems: Developing the objectives of security measures and scope of the same for the IT systems of Aztek(Security Awareness Program Special Interest Group, 2014) Prioritising the objectives defined based on the current IT security needs of the company Studying the probable threats to the current system and it vulnerabilities. Aztek can use personal and financial data of the company customers to identify potential loss of data. vulnerabilities would become dangerous for the company when company employees would try connecting their devices to companies applications in an insecure environment and thus, such threats have to be studied for understanding impacts and possible response measures to be taken(Campbell, 2005). The security profiling of Aztek would help define risk categories and risk sub-categories such as identity thefts, financial frauds, and unauthorized access(NCSU, 2017). Each of these categories of risks can have different impacts on the organization as explained below: Identity Thefts: A stolen data of customers and the company can be misused by the stealer as it can be used for launching an attack on the company or on the accounts of the customers to gain access to the financial data of the users and use identity details to misuse it. This can damage the reputation of the company and thus, lead to loss of trust in customers (La Trobe University, 2017). Financial Fraud: Attackers can use the opportunity to modify the financial data which would hide some figures such that the money can be taken by the attacker without the user getting to notice the reduction in account balance. It is only when the amount grows big enough that the user would get the notice of it(CDC, 2006). Once attacker gets to use the credentials of user accounts, direct monetary gains can also be achieved. This can be threatening not just to Aztek but to the entire financial industry as the customers would lose money and thus, trust in financial systems(Chan, Lam, Chan, Cheung, 2008). Unauthorized Access: Unauthorized access by hackers to the user accounts can lead to launch of cyber attacks like DDOS which would cause disruption in service provisions by blocking the same for the genuine users thereby affecting the service capabilities of the company(Curtis Carey, 2012) Aztek can study the profiles of stakeholders for identifying the target profiles that can get affected most by specific categories of risks and these profile users needs to be communicated about the probable threats with steps to remain safe(Engine Yard, Inc., 2014). Various stakeholders and the responsible communication that must be sent to them are listed in the table below: Risk Category Stakeholders Requirements Identity Thefts Employees Users Personal information of users and employees need to be protected from getting stolen or leaked (European Commission , 2010) Records alteration Management Employees Users Customer and users data has to be managed securely without any allowance to user or any other third party person to make modifications without the proper approval of the customer and the company officials(GILBERT, 2014) Unauthorized access Customers Management Customer credentials should be kept safe such that they do not get leaked and misused by a hacker or unauthorized user (HP Enterprise, 2015) Financial fraud General Consumers Finance companies Investors Fraud patterns can be identified and analyzed to understand how the industry is getting affected by the security threats and mutual steps must be taken to identify best protection measures that must be shared and used for increasing security posture of all the companies in the finance industry(Health and Safety Authority, 2006) The security gaps in Aztek would be identified assessed and priorities would be created for improvement steps for each gap(Veracode, 2017). Risks can be given priority based on the cost benefit analysis of the suggested improvement and impact of the risk exploitation. The gas would include the existing vulnerabilities in the IT systems and applications of the organization. These could include lack of monitoring and lack of security awareness in the employees (NIST, 2014). A security plan would be projected for managing risk in each category and sub-category(IBM Global Technology Services , 2011) Opportunity Identification: Company staff can explore the practices used by industry companies for securing their IT systems including those using BYOD schemes. With this exploration, best security practices that have worked well with BYOD schemes can be identified and used for the enhancement of the protection of Aztek. Some of the best practices used in the finance industry include(Infrascale, 2014): A layered security infrastructure can be used that identifies trusted methods of access from the untrusted methods of access to the company systems through mobile devices(John Snow, Inc., 2010). Control mechanisms may be used on the mobile devices such as authentication when employees are connecting to critical resources of Aztek(WatchGaurd, 2013). The company should have an awareness and training program launched to tell employees about risks, their impacts and protective measures(NIST, 2014) Data Security One major risk that finance industry faces is the loss of the data of the organization and its customers. With proper policies defined for managing different types of access systems such as remote or wireless access, privacy settings, codes of conduct, social media access, ad incidence response plans(MYOB, 2016), risks of losing data can be reduced. Devices can be directly or indirectly secured from these threats using measures like encryption, remote wiping, authorization, sandboxing, and inventory securing. Employees must be provided with sufficient training so that they can identify vulnerabilities and take steps for securing their devices(Paschke, 2014). Another risk that BYOD environment is increased exposure to the data through the end point devices connected to the system. End point protection measures have to be used with BYOD devices which would need different protection techniques than those used with traditional systems. Two major risks faced by the finance industry are data leakage and productivity reduction because of the use of BYOD(Microsoft Asia News Center, 2016). Thus, Aztek needs a mechanism that allows tracking the activities at the end point and provide authorization systems for remote data access. If an end point device faces a threat such as after getting stolen, a remote wiping feature can be used such that the device is disconnected with the system which would not allow user to connect with company systems any more. This would protect the unauthentic user for gaining access to the confidential data of Aztek(NCSU, 2017). The methods people use for accessing data and applications on BYOD devices can also affect the security and thus, company must have a way to check the access methods and define some data protection strategies for overcoming these challenges such as(National Treasury, 2011): Employee activities in the cyberspace can be monitored for understanding how they are using company systems and the data through the use of activity logs and usage records(Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, 2015). Protecting devices with pass word authentication is the responsibility of the employee using the network and he or she must protect the companys sensitive data from getting leaked through the device(OECD, 2008) A minimum level of control over the access gained by the employees must be defined such that the company can enforce security standards on them. These control mechanisms would be applied to the end user devices when they would be used company applications or accessing data such that they are protected(WatchGaurd, 2013). Training can be given to employees on secure use of devices and on security aspects such as data storage, administration, encryption, authentication, patching, antivirus protection incident management, application management, asset management, and inventory control (Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, 2015). Conclusions The aim of this paper was to explore the case of Aztek which is a financial organization to identify changes in security posture and finding measures that can be used by the company to enhance protection. It was found that the company uses a security structure that is more suitable to an IT infrastructure that is wholly owned by the company and thus, new strategies are required with addition of end point devices as the company is planning to implement BYOD scheme in it. The study of the security posture suggests that the risk of leaking data, loss of control over devices and risking unauthentic access by attackers would be major concerns for the company with BYOD scheme. A cybersecurity framework can be used to develop security management strategies that are suitable for the end point protection. 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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Scout Service and Life Purpose

Scout Service and Life PurposeScouting has been a way of life for thousands of years, and the Eagle Scout Statement of Intensions and Life Purpose is a must for all Scouts. From an early age it is drilled into each child that the mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to teach responsibility, discipline, and moral values.From a young age it has a great effect on a person's character. When the group builds a lodge for one of the camping trips, the camp leader usually takes a moment to take the children through the Scout Oath and Scout Law and the Eagle Scout Statement of Intensions and Life Purpose. It is an opportunity for all members of the group to be one with the other and reflect on what it means to be a part of this wonderful organization.Every member of the group should know the importance of finding these important values and beliefs in their lives. These are the foundational principles upon which the organization was founded, and they are very valuable in creating a strong f oundation. If a child did not know what the meaning of the Eagle Scout Statement of Intensions and Life Purpose, how could they be expected to build a lodge of commitment, honor, loyalty, courage, and respect? They cannot.It is my hope that your son will one day someday be able to pass his Eagle Scout trials, become an Eagle Scout himself, and take his place at the head of this great group. I would love for him to also join our own family as an Eagle Scout. How special would it be if he accomplished all of the goals that are mentioned in the Scout Oath and Scout Law and, then, became an Eagle Scout himself!I love scouting, and I believe that it is one of the most valuable skills a person can learn. There is a lot to be said for learning leadership skills while doing fun activities, and you can see how those lessons can come back to you throughout your entire life. One lesson that I always learned in my early years in scouting was the importance of honoring others.Although we all do not live our lives saying 'thank you' to everyone who makes our lives successful, when we show gratitude to others for being a part of us we all feel great value. That is the lesson that I would like for my son to learn, too.I believe that this will help him along the right track in life, and that's the bottom line. If there are Scouts who feel that there is something missing from their lives, I hope that my son feels the same way, because I feel that his mission is to spread the word of the Eagle Scout Statement of Intensions and Life Purpose far and wide. It can only do him good and will help others feel even more fulfilled by joining the program.Scouting is for everyone. If your son has not already made the Eagle Scout Statement of Intensions and Life Purpose, then he should consider it now. The symbolism of the Eagle Scout Badge is a strong message that will help him define his life and be a part of a life that he can be proud of.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Art Appreciation Essay Topics - What Is Your Essay Topics?

Art Appreciation Essay Topics - What Is Your Essay Topics?When writing an art appreciation essay, it is important to think about your audience. Art appreciation essays have a lot of different topics and you need to choose the best topic for your audience.An art appreciation essay should address the theme of the art and the audience's response to that theme. For example, if you are writing a creative writing essay, you need to deal with themes like creativity, the artist, muse, and the audience's response to that theme. Likewise, if you are writing a history essay, you need to address the themes of early America and how that nation changed through time. By focusing on the theme of the subject, you will be able to engage the reader and draw them in more.Art appreciation essay topics can also be related to the artist's life or the people who created the work of art that you are studying. By having a short bio, you will be able to provide information about the artist and how he/she chang ed the lives of people.Another important art appreciation essay topic is the historical importance of the work of art. By taking a look at the evolution of the art form, you will be able to teach the history of art and the significance of the work. If you are writing a history essay, you can talk about how the works of art were used in the past and how they affected a culture. You may also discuss the role of the artist, the artist's contemporaries, and the role of the art in other arts.Perhaps the most important art appreciation essay topic is the artist's career. You can talk about the achievements of the artist and his career, discuss his/her importance in the society, and talk about the influence of his/her works on other artists.The theme of the art appreciation essay must be something the person reading the essay is interested in. If the person reading the essay doesn't understand the topic, the essay will fail.A good way to start writing a good art appreciation essay is to th ink about the audience and the theme of the art you are writing about. Do this before you start writing the essay and you will be able to get started with great confidence. Remember that the idea is to draw the reader in, and to keep them interested, you need to stay engaged.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Pitfall of Essay Samples with Analysis

The Pitfall of Essay Samples with Analysis After grasping the meaning of what's a literary analysis essay, you must read the bit of literature in question repeatedly. The thorough description in the brief story can help to develop an unexpected ending. There are special words and word combination utilized for analytical purposes which ought to be learned too. You have to examine each piece individually to observe the way that it forms the bigger picture. Essay Samples with Analysis - the Conspiracy Indeed, it's very important to select interesting topics for analysis essay. An analysis essay is a type of persuasive essay. A literary analysis essay is a sort of essay which contains an argumentative analysis of a bit of literature. Every excellent essay ends with a superior conclusion. Since you may see, presenting a suitable essay is both difficult and time-taking. A Startling Fact about Essay Samples with Analysis Uncovered You could make a single claim with a great deal of evidence, or five claims to strengthen your topic sentence. Davies' report suffers from too little confidence in the capacity of the public to comprehend what is at stake. Evidence is all the info used to support the judgement. The evidence should directly relate to the claim to provide a great stream of ideas in this issue. An essay doesn't have any possibility of success in the lack of a carefully formulated thesis. Review the notes indicated and make a decision as to what question you desire an answer to regarding the material you've read. Peer edits help give the essay a broader array of clarity. Be sure it is going to be difficult. In literature, however, it's a crucial analysis of some literary text that is done to boost its understanding. Next, an individual can acquire a better comprehension of The Yellow Wallpaper by examining dialogue from the point of view of women. Keeping a watch out for your own personal daily nutrition values and intake is crucial to an effective diet. The point of your introduction is to have the reader interested in your analysis. Don't hesitate to browse the webpage and click on any individual download hyperlink button below a sample which you like. If it's possible to understand the way the pattern occurs throughout the book and its significance, then it'll be simple to think of an essay. The particular detail that represents the analyzed theme are found in The Moths also. Examining the different elements utilised in a book lets you understand literature broadly. Obviously, you're not confined to write just the way other samples outline, but it a fantastic way to kick start your learning practice. An analytical kind of essay differs from different forms of e ssays in that its main aim is to explain something bit by bit to increase understanding. The conclusion makes your readers aware your piece has come to a finish by giving your work a bit of completeness. On another level, it's the story of all of the true damage that may result from seemingly innocent adventures. Each individual paragraph should concentrate on a specific part of the thesis. The main requirement of a synthesis essay is to produce a robust position whilst also going in-depth to check at the several relationship which exists between sources. Your essay should conclude with the same kind of gesture. The conclusion plays a crucial role in the feeling it ties up the whole essay. There are various elements involved with writing an effective essay. In conclusion, an analytical essay is an essay meant to elaborate more than that which the readers or viewers of a specific piece might actually see. Nowadays you've learned hot to compose a decent literary analysis es say but if you need assistance with it, you always have the option to ask professional writers about it. There are various types of essays that I would assume most of you are already acquainted with. At our essay assistance, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. An essay was defined in an assortment of means. You can also see synthesis essay. You might also see persuasive essay. The 5-Minute Rule for Essay Samples with Analysis The three should enable the reader to comprehend the subject under consideration leaving no loopholes along. Tom even goes to lengths to produce the people he's hurt feel much better. The custom of writing essays also develops critical thinking that is highly needed in any upcoming job. Definitions of Essay Samples with Analysis Writing a prosperous paper isn't as automatic as you could think, therefore, it requires some vital considerations. Analysis essays are known to be among the hardest to write. Thesis Statement in aLiterary Analysis Outline After you collect all of the material that you need, the next thing to do is to compose your thesis statement. Outsourcing techniques are sometimes a well-known time-management strategy emplo yed in look at. The Hidden Gem of Essay Samples with Analysis Apparently, writing an essay on the subject of marijuana is too general. There's an endless number of different essay topics that may be analyzed. After you have decided about this issue and the thesis you will write about, you've got to formulate a captivating title. The topic you opt to pick for your analytical essay will establish the facts and details you will need to include. Admission Essay Finance and management are disciplines that manage analysis and planning of financial resources that is an essential pillar in the growth of any nation. Topics can change depending on your majors. Society should overcome its insatiable nature to steer clear of disastrous outcomes.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Looking For the Best Grad School Essay Samples?

Looking For the Best Grad School Essay Samples?The main reason to select a good essay writing service is because they will be able to generate one of the best grad school essay samples. If you are getting ready to embark on your career as a graduate or undergraduate student, then you must take note of the fact that there are many different ways in which you can select an ideal writer for you. You need to be aware of certain key factors when it comes to the selection of a writer.The first step that you need to consider is that you need to look at the writer's past credentials. You must determine if the writer has received much commendation in his/her writing for his/her previous work. You must look at the rate of success that the writer has experienced with his/her previous works and be sure that the writer is highly rated.The next step is to verify whether the writer has proofread the writing sample. You must remember that the writer will be responsible for producing the best grad sc hool essay samples. Therefore, the writer should be well aware of the grammar and the structure that are used in the essay. If the writer has not received praise in his/her past works, then the writer may not be very well versed in the writing style.Then you need to check on the writer's professionalism. As a writer, you need to use some tips to help you ensure that the quality of the writing sample is not affected. You need to check whether the writer uses regular punctuation and whether he/she uses capitals and small caps as well. For most universities, you must be able to use full sentences instead of abbreviated ones.The next thing that you need to do is to verify if the writer has experience writing for future graduate students. You must also ascertain that the writer is a writer who is known in the field of writing and has the capability to deliver a good graduate school essay samples. This ensures that the writer is well versed in grammar and the written form. Once again, we need to check on the writer's ability to deliver the best grad school essay samples.The last step that you need to consider is that you must check whether the writer has experience in producing writing samples. You must look for any errors in grammar and spelling as well. The writing samples must also pass the test of literary standard that you desire for. The writer must also be well versed in the lingo and should be able to produce the best grad school essay samples.The best grad school essay samples will help you improve your writing skills, although it may not be very effective for the particular purpose of your business. Nevertheless, it is still important to produce such samples as it provides a sense of confidence to you and your fellow graduate students. It also helps you make your own mark in the world of writing.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

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